Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Turning Your Skill Sets Into How To EBooks Isn't Easy

We here at SkillBites offer all of our writers the same bit of advice: Transforming what you know into how to eBooks isn't an easy task. Often, our writers discover that the more they know about a topic, the more difficult of a time they have transferring that knowledge to paper.

Authors commonly run into road blocks. There is a moment of realization for every author where the knowledge that you know how to do what you do, but not how to describe it to others, hits you in the face like a rock. The best advice that we can offer to you in this situation is to not panic.

how to eBooks
You must remain calm and be prepared to back up in the writing process for a short while. Take an objective look at what you've already written, and ask yourself whether this information presents your readers with what they would expect from how to eBooks. This information should all work toward your goal of teaching your readers a skill. If it does not, mark the area for possible deletion.

In the meantime, use a separate sheet of paper to construct an outline of what you have written so far. Leave the rest of the outline blank for now. Examine what you have already gone over with an objective eye. On yet another piece of paper, begin making a list of those topics that you still need to cover in order to teach your readers what you already know.

A big part of the eBook writing process comes in the outlining stage. If you skipped this stage earlier in the process, then what you have already written may be an unorganized mess that throws new information at the reader in a seemingly random pattern. For now, leave this information alone, but study it carefully to see if there are any additional items that needed added in order to clarify your existing content.

Writers often forget that how to eBooks are designed to work a reader through learning a new skill set. It often helps these writers to go back to the very beginning of their attempts to learn this skill set, and to look at things from the point of view of a beginner. Ask yourself what the beginner needs to know in order to succeed in learning this skill set. Make notes of this, too.

Once you have finished taking notes, it is time to rearrange them into a workable outline. Take what you already have, and the ideas you have come up with, and rearrange them into an organized outline without regard to whether you have already written the section or not. Your redesigned attempt to write a eBook may require you to rearrange what you have already written, and to go back and fill in the blank sections, but your how to eBooks offering will have a much better reception with your readers because of it.

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